Sunday, August 30, 2015

Blog Tour - Scrubs by Brooke Harris

Scrubs by Brooke Harris
Publication date: December 4th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

I like fast cars, beautiful women and great sex.
I hate drugs. I can’t stand the idiots who take them and I loathe the bastards who supply them. Drugs cost me my whole world.
I wear many faces; right now I’m Doctor Lucas Callaghan and I’ll be him until I get my revenge.
My real name will be the last words to ever pass their lips.

I hate my name, Aoife Brennan, as soon as people hear it they treat me differently because of my father.
Medical school isn’t my dream, it’s his. But, it’s the least I owe him after everything I’ve done. I’m trying to be a good girl, but even good girls make mistakes.

He’s lying about who he is, she’s kidding herself about who she can be. They’re polar opposites with one very big secret in common.

Author Bio:
Brooke is a thirty-one year-old Dubliner. Even though she moans about the weather (a lot) she's proud to have shamrocks in her blood. Anyway, what would she do if she couldn't blame the rain for a bad hair day? She has too much of lots of things, kids, wine, books and shoes...luckily she loves them all to pieces.

Author links:

Blog Tour : He's So Fine by Marie Mason

Title: He's So Fine 
Author: Marie Mason

Cage knew he was bad. Bad to the bone. A cheesy description, but one that fit the underground fighter perfectly. He loved to fight, he loved to f***. Despite his reputation, he tried to stay away from trouble. He usually succeeded. Until the day, trouble found him in the form of a curvy stepsister. 

Abigail Snow was a good girl. Straight A student, attending college on a scholarship and… a virgin. When her stepbrother is invited to the Hamptons for a true family vacation, Abby knew she was in for a summer of heartache. He was big and strong with a cocky attitude… he was so fine. 

But could he ever be hers?

Buy link - only available in Kindle Unlimited - on sale for 99 cents until september 1, 2015

Marie Mason has always known, somewhere deep in her soul, that being a writer was what she was born to be. Thanks to the new and exciting world of self-publishing, Marie was finally able to make her dream come true. Part two of the dream is to be a full-time writer, spending the wee hours of morning creating new and exciting characters for her readers. That part might take a little longer. If you’d like to contact her with a comment or suggestion, her email is or you can find her on Facebook.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Blog Tour - Storm by Jo Raven

Title: Storm 
Author: Jo Raven 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Raylin is on the run. Her father’s associates will stop at nothing to claim the money he owes them—including killing her. A last ditch ticket to Florida, a temporary house to hide in and no future to look forward to. That is, until she meets Storm, a tattooed bad boy who is housesitting down the beach and doing repairs for the summer.

A perfect place, a perfect pair of strong arms, a spot of calm in which to hide for a while—or is it? Drop-dead gorgeous, kind, and hot in bed, Storm may not be what he seems.

Who is the real Storm, and what is he hiding? Raylin had better find out before the bullets begin to fly.

Standalone novel. No cliffhanger.

*Warning: this book contains graphic language, sex, and violence. Mature readers only. Not intended for young readers.*

This is Book 1 of the Sex and Bullets series - a spin-off of the Inked Brotherhood series. 

Next is: Hawk (Sex and Bullets, #2)

Jo Raven writes New Adult steamy contemporary romance. She loves sexy bad boys and strong-willed heroines, and divides her time between writing and reading. When not cooking up plots, she putters in her cluttered kitchen and dreams of traveling to India and Japan.

✯Don’t want to miss any of Jo’s offers and promotions you can sign up for her newsletter HERE

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cover Reveal : Seelie by (Fae Wars #1) Sarah J. Pepper

Seelie by Sarah J. Pepper 
(Fae Wars, #1) 
Publication date: Fall 2015
Genres: Adult, Paranormal

Kian traces his thumb over Ryanne’s bottom lip, waiting impatiently for his Seelie princess to surrender to her blood-lust. Her fervor is nearly untamable, particularly when tempted by his addictive kiss. She’ll do anything for him, but he is just as enslaved by her. However, Ryanne’s blood-lust turns lethal as soon as Niall, the Unseelie Prince, steps into her Court. In Faerie, lies are punishable by death. Murder is justifiable. So when Niall oversteps his bounds, Ryanne has no choice but to unleash the blood-lust that rules her.

Author Bio:
Sarah J. Pepper specializes in dark, paranormal romance - think "happy ever after" but with a twisted, dark chocolate center. Real-life romance isn't only filled with hugs, kisses, bunnies, and rainbows. True-love can be more thoroughly described in times of darkness and tribulation. It's in those harsh moments where you see what a person is truly capable of - both the good and bad. Sometimes prince-charming isn't always on time, and the glass slipper is a little snug. However, it doesn't mean Charming is not Mr. Right, and who says every shoe is the perfect fit? Get a glimpse inside her head at

Author links:

Release Day Blitz : Nacreous (Harmony Run #4) by Sarah Elle Emm

~ Release Day Blitz ~

About the Book:

After two members of The Freedom Front are arrested and interrogated by the UZTA’s tyrannical President Nicks, Rain Hawkins and her friends face the alarming reality that their plans to liberate the mixed zones across the United Zones of The Authority might not come to fruition. While the resistance movement is growing outside the walls of the zones, the president’s forces are strengthening and putting citizens everywhere in more peril than ever. When Rain receives warnings that her cousin, Calista, has agreed to support plans to kill the mixed zones, and that her life could be on the line at the upcoming pure zone initiation ceremony, she must decide where her loyalties lie and if all of her allies can be trusted. As The Freedom Front use their abilities to unravel the mystery of the ceremony, The Authority captures some of their friends, forcing TFF to either go into hiding, or plan a rescue mission that could jeopardize everything they’ve been fighting for.

Buy NOW from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle

Hooray, it is finally release day for Nacreous! Thanks for stopping by the fabulous Release Day Blitz, organized by b00k r3vi3w Tours. To kick off the blitz, here are a couple of “Fun Facts” about my writing process… I hope you enjoy!

Writing Playlist:

So…Music. Some authors swear by it. They have their playlist set in the background while they pen their latest manuscript. Me? Not exactly. Music is very important to me. I believe in dance parties, and by dance parties I mean cranking up my I-pod to the music fitting my mood, be this salsa, classic rock, blues, country, classical, whatever, and dancing alone in my room or kitchen. (Yes, I said classical and country in the same list). My kids may or may not be in attendance. They like to watch and laugh. Sometimes, they join in. But as far as my writing process goes, the music is sort of my warm up. So I might turn on some music that fits my mood for parts of the story and listen to it in my car or at my desk before I write, but not while I am actually writing. I need it to be quiet in the room, so I can tell the story…(Ahem, hear what my characters are trying to tell me). ;) While I wrote Nacreous, and the other books in the Harmony Run Series, my favorite music warm-up to set the mood was Lorde. Specifically, the songs Team and A World Alone. In fact, if any of the books from my series could be made for film, I would beg producers to include one of those songs in the movies.

My Writing Process:

I can’t sit down and force myself to write everyday because it begins to feel too mechanical, but I am definitely one of those people who thinks about writing, story ideas, characters, scenarios all of the time, awake or asleep. I love using my dreams in my writing and have written a few of them into scenes in the Harmony Run Series. Back in college, the good ol’ stone ages, I had one of the most terrifying dreams of my life about a man with a triangular-shaped eye chasing me down a corridor, one door after the other, with this woman’s voice echoing all around us, telling him to kill me. When I got to the end of the corridor, I opened the last door, and he was standing there facing me. I woke up sobbing…About a year later, a psychology professor at my university asked some of us to share dreams with him so he could demonstrate dream analysis. I bravely raised my hand, (this was huge for me, since I am very shy in person), and shared my dream in vivid detail. After I finished talking, the entire class got eerily quiet and the professor told me I was dealing with issues beyond his realm of help, and went on to the next student’s dream. That student shared a dream about not being able to make a goal in a soccer match, and the professor dissected his dream in depth for fifteen minutes. Years later, I incorporated that dream, adding on some twists and turns of course, into book one from the Harmony Run Series, Prismatic. 

I also come up with ideas when I’m looking out of the kitchen window, when I’m walking, driving, cooking, gardening, taking my kids to martial arts, helping with their homework, basically, every waking moment. I take heaps of notes. I jot notes down for days. And when I’m ready, I sit down and type everything I can. I woke up the other night, and grabbed the notebook and pen beside my bed and wrote down an idea for another story. So my writing process is sort of a twenty-four hour thing. Oh, and probably the most important part of the process…How could I forget? My dog, Shorty, has to harass me to sit in my lap throughout the day. She eventually gives up and sleeps at my feet or nearby. She spares me the occasional glance or sighs every so often when I talk too much. Yes, I like to talk aloud to myself more often than not. If that dog could talk…Well, thankfully that’s not an issue. Here’s a photo of my writing pal…

Isn’t she cute? I hope you stick around to read about Nacreous. I’m going to look up that old psychology professor to see if he wants to read my latest book… ;)

Previous Books in the Series:

(Click on the Cover to know more)

About the Author:

Sarah Elle Emm is the author of the HARMONY RUN SERIES, a young-adult fantasy and dystopian series, released in May 2012 by Winter Goose Publishing. (PRISMATIC, May 2012, OPALESCENT, February 2013, CHATOYANT, September 2014, NACREOUS, August 2015) Her debut fiction novel, MARRYING MISSY, was published by Bird Brain Publishing in October 2011. Sarah is a graduate of The University of Evansville, she has lived and worked in Mexico, Germany, England, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and has traveled extensively beyond. Sarah lives in Naples, Florida with her family. When she’s not walking the plank of her daughters’ imaginary pirate ship or snapping photos of Southwest Florida scenery, she is writing.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

New Release : The Great War Of Hind by Vaibhav Anand

“In the beginning, there was no such thing as heaven or hell. All that there was then, was earth… There are raconteurs and mischief-mongers in our ranks and I have no doubt they shall pervert the truth with their self-serving versions. The events of history – this history of our land – shall thus inevitably have many versions, doubtless. But, I was there with General Ramm, I fought by his side…”
— Sanjaay, official chronicler of General Ramm

Around 12000 B.C., Hindustan as we know it today (or Hind), comprised five kingdoms of man, sandwiched between Parbat – the kingdom of the Gods in the north, and Lunka – the kingdom of the
demons in the south. The ‘Legend of Ramm’ unravels the story of the military general called Ramm in the kingdom of Ayodh and how his actions came to define our world as we know it today.

Find the book on Goodreads / Buy the book from Amazon

"The Great War of Hind draws you in from the get go... Look forward to the next one in the Ramm series!"
-Tanuj Khosla, Founder,

Vaibhav is a marketing professional working with an MNC by day, blogger/ writer/ poet by night.
Author of the bestselling If God Went to B-School, Vaibhav is also one of the top contributors to
Faking News, the satire portal. An avid bibliophile, Vaibhav lives on books, food and oxygen – in
that order.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Blog Tour : Anchored to Love by S.M. Stryker


In this mature romance about lost loves, best friends, and second chances, author S.M. Stryker brings you the third installment of the Second Chances series. Anchored to Love can be read as a standalone.
All Charlie ever wanted to do was play softball in college. She’d worked her whole life for this, and finally made it. The only problem: it’s on the other side of the country. To keep her dreams alive, she did the only thing she could think of—move.
However, when Charlie refused to party and drink with her teammates, she was accused of not being a team player. There was no way she’d jeopardize her scholarship. Charlie would walk away from anyone that could ruin her dream.
Carson was on his own, as his parents had other priorities that didn't include him. He was a genius, and after graduating at sixteen, he decided to travel the United States. He never believed in relationships—who needs the drama?—he was a manwhore through and through. That is, until he ran into Charlie. She was different; she was special, and he knew it from the start.
They were inseparable and spent all of their free time connected at the hip. That was until the misunderstanding happened. The one thing that would throw a curve ball into the mix.

Will dreams slip through Charlie’s fingertips, or can she catch the ball?

Shelly (SM) married her husband 28 years ago and has four daughters and two grandchildren.
She always knew, her life would make a good story...or soap opera but finding or making the time to write was always the issue.
In April of 2014, she sat down in front of her computer and started to write. Through lots of tears, she wrote her first book that had a large part of her life in the story, that book was Stolen Innocence.
Now she finds that she has to write, this is her outlet, her sanctuary, and in every book she writes there’s always part of her life written into it.