Thursday, April 28, 2016

Book Review: 18 Via Teen by Shreyasi Rhittika Phukon

Title: 18 Via Teen
Author: Shreyasi Rhittika Phukon
Publisher: Dream House Publications


Shreyasi Rhittika Phukon has devotedly captured the nuances of life among teenagers in eighteen of her stories compiled under the title ‘18 via teen.’ Apprehension, dilemma, aspiration and hope are major themes. Few of the stories even talk of foundation for self-esteem and refusal to be defined by stigma. She has aptly avoided cute-speak, all the while conveying genuine feeling and the deeper complexity and contradictions of life as it is lived. Her observations approach a certain kind of profundity.
Starting each story with a meaningful quote is a time tested way of catching the reader’s attention. Phukon has done justice to this practice. The sentiment behind each story is quite similar: be yourself. In the writer’s own words, the stories she has penned down enumerate the various phases of a teen and the hopes, aspirations, apprehensions, ambiguity, insecurity, dilemma, restlessness and sensitiveness, associated with each phase. Each story vividly depicts the psychological aspects of a teenage girl/boy and how the intuition helps her/his to overcome the hurdles one after another, which in teen makes her/his matured. 
There are some minor hiccups though. The cover of the book does nothing to attract potential readers. Secondly, the editing could have been better. But I won’t hold these against the author as it is her debut. We learn from our mistakes. I’m sure she’ll do the same.
I’d like to end the review with a positive note. The readers will find some good motivation from the stories if they are willing to get out the sieve.

Author Bio:

Shreyasi Rhittika Phukon lives in Jorhat, Assam. She holds a bachelor’s degree. She has contributed her writings in few anthologies and magazines. Also initiated an anthology “A Phase Unknown Women- A Tribute” and the book has been awarded the “Best Anthology Award 2014”. She is also the winner of “Aagaman Tejasvani Samman 2014” by Sanmati Publishers and distributors. She also works as M.D. for an e-magazine named Novelist Magazine. Currently she is pursuing her Masters from Guwahati University.



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I'd like to thank author for letting me review her book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Release Blitz: Finding Juliet by Toffee



Release Day: APRIL 23, 2016




An incredibly nice guy turns into an irresistible flirt and learns the fine art of seducing women. A hilarious and heartwarming novel with some surprising nuggets of wisdom.


Toffee is just another Indian youngster who became an Engineer first and then discovered his true calling. He was a typical Sharma ji ka Ladka, until Engineering happened and changed his life completely. After surviving college, he joined a reputed MNC as a Software Analyst, but a dramatic turn of events made him an author. Toffee is passionate about writing, so much so that he writes code by the day and books by the night and does everything else in life in between. A huge Rajkumar Hirani fan, he loves writing stuff that is both entertaining and insightful. And through his books, he wants to narrate stories that touch people's hearts and change a part of their life, forever.

Toffee’s first book titled ‘An Idiot, Placements and IntervYOU’ was published by the Times Group Books and it went on sell around 5000 copies. ‘Finding Juliet’ is his second book and Juggernaut Books is publishing it exclusively on their mobile app.


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Monday, April 25, 2016

Book Review: Shiva in the City of Nectar by Preetha Rajah Kannan

Title: Shiva In The City Of Nectar
Author: Preetha Rajah Kannan
Publisher: Jaico Books


Oft-told tales retold with uncommon verve, Preetha Rajah Kannan’s collection of fifty-four divine tales from ancient India titled ‘Shiva in the City of Nectar’ caught my attention from the word go. It has everything going for it—prose that beautifully encapsulates both the fantastic and the mundane; deft storytelling that folds and combines various facets of Lord Shiva and a strong focus on South Indian mythology. The airy tone and quick-facts presentation renders the book enough potential.

The narration sweeps across Heaven, Earth and the Underworld, narrating the exploits of the mysterious and powerful blue-throated god. One after another, the tales unfold the follies of ancient devas, asuras, sages, men and mythical beasts. And through them all, Shiva blithely takes on the guise of beggar, saint, monarch, merchant, fisherman, hunter, warrior and woodcutter as he walks through the three worlds to slay rampaging demons, perform his Dance of Bliss and embrace good and bad alike. Shiva is portrayed in all his multi-faceted mystique - the tender lover who woos and weds Goddess Meenakshi, the eternal Guru who dispenses wisdom, the fierce avenger whose third eye flashes fire, the generous benefactor who showers blessings on his devotees and, above all, the gentle prankster who embodies the essence of Vedic faith.
Shiva is a God who has truly transcended time and space. He is Mahadeva – greatest among Gods. His legends exist and have survived for eons. This book is a treat for all who find mythologies and ancient legends fascinating. Madurai – the city of nectar – is the prime location for all the tales. Lord Shiva is its ruling deity. The stories are also weaved around the ruling kings of Madurai like king Ukkiran, Abhishegan, Raajasekaran, Vikraman, Sekkaran and Rajaraja among others. The book celebrates the episodes starting from Meenakshi’s coronation to the goddess’ celestial wedding and beyond.

In her own words, Kannan has, for the most part, taken the treasured tales that have been passed down orally for generations, and fleshed them out with the lavish play of an affectionate imagination. Her aim is to bring the stories of Shiva’s divine play to a larger, non-Tamilian audience in the hope that her narration would thrill the readers’ senses and pull them to Madurai – a city where the Gods once walked amidst mortals.

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Author Bio:

Preetha Rajah Kannan is a housewife,who loves to read and write. Her entire school life was as a boarder at Sacred Heart Convent, Yercaud. She went on to graduate in Psychology from Women’s Christian College, Chennai and has an M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from Madurai Kamaraj University. She has done several freelance articles for the Madurai edition of the New Indian Express, and written more than a dozen short stories for children for the Express School Magazine. Her story,‘The Tale of an Ice Cream,’was one of the winning entries in the – Penguin online short story contest, and was published by Penguin in the anthology, ‘Blogprint.' Another short story, ‘Moving Out,’ was published as part of the anthology, ‘Two is Company and Other Stories,' published by Unisun. She lives in Madurai, with her husband and two sons.

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I'd like to thank the author for letting me review her book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Promo Post: Holding on Forever by Victoria Monroe



 When it comes to love, you can't deny it no matter how hard you try. When love finds you, hold on and never let go. Gage Scott let go of love a long time ago. After his parents divorced, he learned love only ends up hurting people. He vowed to himself he would never be hurt again because he would never love. He leaves everything and everyone he ever knew behind him and begins a new life built on rules against love. But when fate brings him back to the place and people he left thirteen years ago, he learns there are some things he can't escape. He spent many years running from love only to find it was with him all along. When he accepts the truth he denied for so long, he realizes he can't ignore love. He discovers there is more pain in denying it. Once he embraces the true feelings he has for Laken Bennett, everything changes for Gage. Love finds him, and he is holding on forever.

HOF_Available Now

Holding on forever

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Coming down the stairs is the most mouthwatering, incredibly gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. Gage was good looking when I knew him as a teenager; but the man standing before me now is absolutely breathtaking. Gage is about half way down the staircase leading into the foyer when he looks at his mother, and stops, realizing she isn’t alone. His eyes turn to me and heat spreads over my whole body. His gaze slides up from the open toe heels on my feet and work their way up my bare legs, then to my hips, then up to my breasts, then finally to my face – where once his eyes meet mine – his look of total appreciation and enjoyment of the female body slowly dissolve into a realization. A recognition. Our gazes never shift from one another and all of a sudden the air in the foyer becomes thick. Judy cuts the silence by saying, “Gage, you rem-...” “Laken,” he finishes her thought, almost breathlessly, with his eyes never leaving mine. “...Yes – Laken,” she continues. “Laken was just leaving, she brought over your favorite dinner – Mrs. Bennett’s lasagna – that’s what you smell and I need to go check it. Laken, thank you again. I will see you Friday at the luncheon.” I break my attention from Gage to Ms. Scott – who is already on her way to the kitchen – I call to her, “You’re welcome.” The voice leaving my body doesn’t sound like mine – it’s too soft, too breathy and too sexy. I slowly turn my attention back to the movement on the stair case. Taking in the bare feet slowly sauntering down the stairs in my direction, my eyes travel up distressed, washed out denim clad legs. The unbelted waistband of the jeans hangs low on his waist and meets a tight gray t-shirt, drawing attention to chiseled abs and an athletically defined muscular chest. Rippled arms lead to broad shoulders and a thick neck. I notice slightly long ebony hair, still damp from a shower. His square, sculpted jaw is shadowed with a couple of days’ worth of unshaved growth and frames the most delicious set of lips I’ve seen on a man. As he reaches where I’m standing – my eyes find his again. His irises are an intense blue. The boy I knew melted away into this sinfully gorgeous creature standing before me. My name on his lips still hangs thick in the air and chokes me.

Author Bio:

Victoria Monroe was born and raised in Pennsylvania. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a bachelor of arts degree in English literature. She and her husband relocated a few times within the state. She favors the Pittsburgh region, where she had her son and daughter. After a ten-year career in corporate retail, she resigned, allowing her the ability to raise her children and write. Victoria loves spending time with her family. She loves music, reading and being outdoors – from the mountains to the beach and everything in between. Watching the sunrise and sunset are some of her favorite things to do. She always looks for a reason to laugh.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Re-Release: Ragan's Song by L.A. Remenicky

¸.•*¨*★☆ RE-RELEASE¸.•*¨*★☆
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Ragan’s Song (Fairfield Corners Book 2)
By L.A. Remenicky
Re-Release Date: April 1, 2016
Published by Lavish Publishing
Genre ~ Paranormal Romance
It only took one look into his eyes for her to know she was in trouble.
Adam Bricklin has heard the melody in his head for years, the melody that told him if a decision was right or wrong. When he met Ragan Newlin the song told him she was the one. He was devastated when circumstances tore them apart. It has taken three years for Adam to finally move past the heartbreak he suffered when Ragan left town in the middle of the night. No note, no email, no text. She was just gone. Now he has a new girlfriend, a new album in the works, and his daughter is doing well in school. Until the day Ragan returned to Fairfield Corners.
Ragan came home to celebrate her parent’s anniversary hoping they would forgive her for not telling them about her marriage or her son. When she discovered that Adam was still living in Fairfield Corners she hoped her secrets were safe; secrets that drove her away three years ago, secrets that could change their lives forever.

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What’s being said:

Remenicky writes another AMAZING story full of Love” ~ N.E.E.

A must read! Don’t pass this one up!!!” ~ Amanda Allen

Sweet romance with a touch of paranormal. For anyone who enjoys a story about second chances, Ragan's Song is a perfect choice.” ~  Elizabeth Burgess

“Loved it!!! Another great book... Loved it and so can't wait for book 3!!! So worth the read!!! Highly recommended!!! There is no cliffhanger!!!” ~ Kindle Customer

Other books by L.A. Remenicky

Saving Cassie (Fairfield Corners #1)



Paperback Createspace:

Sensual Diversion


Awethology Dark


The December Awethology Dark Volume



Author Bio:

laremenicky.jpgL.A. Remenicky ~ Love Stories With A Twist
L.A. Remenicky is a forty-something wife and mother of three fur kids. A payroll professional by day, she writes out the stories in her head by night.
An avid reader all her life, she finally put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) during NaNoWriMo in 2012 and has never looked back. When she’s not typing away on her latest story with music playing in the background, she can usually be found spending time with her family and friends.



Friday, April 1, 2016

Blog Tour: Surpanakha by Hariharan Iyer

About the Book:

Educated, young, no-nonsense bearing, able administrator—these are the qualities that won Sesha the loyalties of the people after three years of rule as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. An allegation that he was the mastermind behind the murder of 73 Kannadigas threatens to bring him down but he is miraculously saved in the 11th hour.
Even before he can relish his victory, Sesha is slapped with the charge of sexually offending a young nurse. This time round, the case is strong and his supporters are uncertain. Worse, his teenage daughter calls him 'vile' and walks out of the house. While Mythili, his wife promises her full support, her secretive activities—undertaken with the help of a retired cop—is a cause of concern for Sesha.
Will Zarina, the human-rights activist, succeed in bringing him down? What about the insinuations of a celebrity lawyer that he is casteist and antiminorities? When the young nurse is found dead, the case becomes even more complex. Who is innocent? Who is guilty? And who is the mastermind?

Buy Links:

Links for downloading e-books: Amazon India | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Links for ordering paperbacks: Amazon India | Flipkart

About the Author:

Hariharan Iyer is a finance professional based in Dar es Salaam. Not content with just a rewarding corporate job, he took to writing a couple of years back. He blogged on media and current affairs for a year at before hitting on the idea for this novel.An idea so powerful that it convinced the accountant in him that he could put together not just a balance sheet but an intriguing political thriller as well. He has definite views on politics, NGOs and media ethics and has tried to package them in the form of an interesting novel.

Hariharan lives with his wife in Dar es Salaam while his two sons are pursuing their ambitions in India.

Contact Hariharan:


Hebbar spotted the Chrompet outlet, his maiden venture, a hundred
metres away, across the road, beyond the divider, next to Vetri theatre. He
would have to go all the way to the flyover, which was a kilometre away and
do a U-turn beneath it to reach the restaurant. He was excited to visit the
place. It had been a year since he had visited the restaurant. From the humble
500-sq.ft eatery he’d started 40 years ago, it had grown to a two-storey
building—a non-A/C dining hall on the ground floor and an A/C hall on the
first floor. There was underground parking for 20 cars.
A huge flex banner announcing the fortieth anniversary with his and
Padmavathy’s photographs covered the entire frontage of the restaurant.
Madhav had told him that he had identical banners in all their outlets.
He saw a small crowd in front of the restaurant. Just around 30 to 40
persons. Did Madhav send him to manage this small crowd? Anyway, it was
an opportunity to spend a day in the restaurant, after almost 10 years of being
away. He smiled. As he neared, he intuitively felt that something was wrong.
The crowd did not look like one of enthusiastic customers waiting for their
turn. Two Tata Safaris parked haphazardly in the front with their doors wide
open warned him of something amiss. Then, the sight of a few customers
looking terrified and running out of the restaurant caused a queasy feeling in
his stomach. The problem was different and perhaps more serious than
handling a few unruly customers. He slowed the car a bit to get a clear view
of what was happening. Did he see smoke emanating from inside? The honks
of impatient cars from behind forced him to move fast.
He speeded up towards the flyover to take a U-turn. It would be at least
fifteen minutes in this heavy traffic. He had no option. The timer in the traffic
signal below the flyover tested his patience. 79…78…77…
An auto driver passed by him, stopped just in front of him and killed the
engine. 45…44…43…
He was too impatient to curse the auto driver. 3…2…1… Oops! The auto
refused to start. Other vehicles behind him moved left, passed by him and
turned around. He could not navigate around the auto.
His restaurant seemed to be burning and he was stuck in this mindless
Finally, when the auto responded to the driver’s frantic efforts and started,
the traffic light had turned red. Shit! He waited for the next green light and
turned around and reached the restaurant. By then, the damage had been
done. The building was in flames.
“Kannada naygala, savungada!” A deafening chorus welcomed him. As he
got down from his car, he saw a few men whose looks did not give him much
comfort, throw their sickles and hockey sticks in the boot and board the
vehicles. The doors were slammed shut and the vehicles started with a
screech. Who were they? Why did the vehicles carry the ruling Progressive
Democratic Party’s (PDP) flags?
The shutter at the entrance had been rolled down and locked. Why? Loud
screams for help came from behind the closed shutter.
Numbed by what was happening to the eatery he had bought and so
passionately developed, Hebbar remained mute till the observations of
someone in the crowd brought him to life.
“All the customers have been sent out. Only the workers have been burnt.
All Kannadigas.”
My workers. Have they been burnt alive? What is their fault? Being Kannadigas?
“They should have anticipated this; at least they should not have indulged
in these overt celebrations,” said another in the crowd.
Anticipated? How? Hebbar’s knees wobbled. His cell phone rang. His
General Manager was calling.
“Sir, bad news. All our restaurants in Chennai have been attacked.”
All his restaurants in Chennai? Adyar and Thiruvanmiyur as well? What had
happened to Padmavathy? Madhav?
He called his wife.
Her phone kept ringing.
He called his son.
His phone kept ringing.
He learned two hours later that they were not alive to take his calls.

Character Sketch:

You can bump into her the next time you visit the vegetable market. You can spot her in the pharmacy round the corner.Or inthe grocery near the bus stop where she will be negotiating the prices with the grocer.
She is Mythili. The unassuming, down-to-earth wife of Sesha, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. She does not give a damn about the security protocols that surround the Chief Minister and his family. Would you believe that she once gave the slip to the specially trained security team guarding her husband, dragged him out after a lecture to the Anna University students and took him out for a romantic drive in the middle of the night? If you think she must be a girl in her twenties, you are wrong. So horribly wrong. She is 40. But what has age to do with a heart brimming with romance?
Hers was an arranged marriage. That she would marry her cousin Sesha was decided by her father and Sesha’s mother when she was just five years old.She had no qualms that her father decided for her. One of those old types.
She has been watching Sesha for the past 35 years.
He established his authority over her as a 12-year-old boy—he would expect her to follow him when he finished lunch, offer water for washing his hands and a towel for drying them. He imitated his grandfather, who wanted his wife to do such jobs. Like her grandmother, she enjoyed being his minion.
A few years later when she asked her father to buy bangles for her while on a shopping trip with Sesha and others, Sesha took offence. His grouse: She should have asked him for bangles. She felt proud that he was possessive about her.
As a teenager, when he got almost drowned in Cauvery, she dived into the river and rescued him. She was amused by his clumsy attempt to impress her.
Much later, more than twenty years into their marriage, after Sesha has become the Chief Minister of the state, when he is accused of complicity in the murder of 73 Kannadigas because the neighbouring state stopped releasing water, she dismisses the charge with contempt. Of course, when the court is on the verge of declaring him guilty and when the media predicts his arrest, she is, no doubt, disturbed. But something in her tells that Sesha is incapable of crime.When the court acquits him finally, she feels vindicated.
She is confident she knows him very well. Like the back of her hand.
But then comes the gravest charge. A young nurse who took care of Mythili two years ago alleges sexual harassment by Sesha. Mythili has high regards for the nurse. She is not someone who will level a frivolous charge. A celebrity lawyer lends support to the nurse and vows to send him to jail. Media holds him guilty. Activists demand his resignation. Sesha’s supporters in social media desert him. Above all, their daughter suspects Sesha and walks out of the house.
What will Mythili do? Accept the mounting evidence against him and hold him guilty? Or rely on her unassailable faith in her husband and wait for a miracle to save him?
Her response to the challenge sets her apart.

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