Saturday, August 19, 2017

Spotlight: The Revenge Of Gandhi's Follower by BP Senapati and Durgesh Nandini Das

About the Book

Nobody is going to remember your mark, people only remember your work. 
Without innovation mark is meaningless, without creativity knowledge has no value, without vision and goal a man is nothing more than a dead body . 
Only human can innovative things, discover something, write a book, and create marvelous paintings. By a business idea can give employment to thousands of employee. Try to create or innovative something, if you get success then it's great. If you become a failure then what's the big deal? 
It's thought of Vijay, he was a man with different thought, he had every symptom of a great man, still he lived with his mediocre dreams to get a job and then marry his childhood sweetheart. After few years of job experience wanted to establish his own business like millions of other, but fate had some different plans. Our corrupt system forced him to enter into the dirty game of politics. He gained power to avenge his antagonists, but being a Gandhian, his strategy was something unusual . . . his revenge wasn't ordinary . . .


‘Mr. Vijay, do you really think that our education system is completely at fault? Just see the picture. Now, the entire world is looking at us for human resources. We are the highest producers of doctors and engineers. Then how can you say that our education system is worst?’

‘Before I give the answer to this question, I want to ask some question to the audience of the studio,’ Vijay said, standing with a mike at the middle of the stage.

‘Can anybody tell me who won a Nobel Prize in the field of economics from our country?’ Vijay asked.

‘Dr. Amartya Sen,’ answered everybody.

‘Anybody amongst you, please tell me the list of the Nobel Prize winners of our country,’ Vijay asked again. ‘Please raise hands.’

Some audience raised their hands, some half raised, some waved their hands in air confidently, and some looked a little nervous. Vijay motioned one by one to tell the names of the Nobel Prize winners of our country. Vijay clapped to appreciate the audience who had given right answers, and others clapped too.

‘Can anyone tell me who is the only Olympic gold medal winner in an individual event from our country?’ Vijay questioned the audience.

A lot of audience raised their hands. ‘Abhinav Bindra,’ one of the audiences answered.

‘Who can tell all the Olympic medal winners of this Olympic game?’ Vijay bombarded another question. 

Audience answered this question easily too. But Vijay looked depressed and took his seat with a sad face as if something worst was happening. Neither the anchor nor the audience understood the intention of Vijay. 

‘Are you okay, Mr. Vijay?’ the anchor asked in confusion.

‘Did you get your answer now? See, almost everyone is able to answer my questions. If the same questions will be asked to the people of USA or China, they can never answer because their country wins more than hundred medals in Olympics. Every year, they have four to five Nobel Prize winners. And it's not possible to remember all the names of the winners by a normal human,’ Vijay criticized. ‘Why do we have a countable number of Nobel Prize winners? Why don't we win hundreds of gold medals in the Olympics? Why don't we get a Booker Award every year? The answer is either we're not capable to do it or there is something wrong in our education system?’

Vijay turned toward the audience and said, ‘School organizes a sports competition once in a year. A kid who never practiced all through the year also comes first. His parents don't come to encourage him, teacher suggests him to focus on studies and parents encourage him to study more. Parents only want good result with top position and marks. A kid, who has the capability to become an Olympic gold medalist, is forced to struggle in his academics. Then, neither has he become an athlete nor a good student academically. He only tries hard to remember the lines and facts without any interest. He can't fulfill his parents’ dream and becomes a loser for everyone. It is our system of education. It is the mentality of our people. We produce only some parrots that can only remember something but not produce anything new. Look around your surroundings, you can't find a single machine invented by an Indian.'

About the Authors

B P Senapati

Before five years Mr. Senapati was pursuing MBA and wanted to be a businessman and even had started a business while in second semester. But he was failed completely and lost all his saving and some investment of his friends as well. He was depressed, lonely. He had no idea how and when he had taken writing seriously. Though he had been writing stories and poems while he was in school. The more he wrote the more he involved in life of different characters, like he's known them from many years, finally he let go his business dreams to become a writer, Apart from writing, he loves photography, travel and football.

Durgesh Nandini Das

Durgesh Nandini Das has a passion for teaching. She is living her passion and shaping the path of the youngsters towards a better future. She used to help students and prepare them to face their biggest challenges in the New World before starting her teaching career even. After her Master's degree in English, she has immersed herself in the teaching along with some pleasure reading of light romantic novels and literature from Renaissance and Modernism periods.

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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Book Review: The Liar's Weave by Tashan Mehta

Title: The Liar's Weave
Author: Tashan Mehta
Publisher: Juggernaut Books


Tashan Mehta’s debut is about a Parsi boy who’s born without a future. What’s that, you ask? Let me break it down for you. The protagonist of the novel, Zahan Merchant, is a naïve boy from the Parsi community of 1920 India whose future is uncertain and unpredictable. What’s new here? Well, Zahan’s world is different from ours and not knowing one’s future there is unheard of.
Mehta spins an alternate history of our world as we know. In her version, birth charts are real and one’s life is mapped out in the stars. Except — of course — for the protagonist, whose future couldn’t be determined as the most noted astrologist of that time couldn’t read his birth chart. It’s a cosmic mistake, so the gods compensate for it by giving Zahan an unusual power: the ability to change reality with his lies. Is it then a blessing or a curse? That you’ll need to find out on your own for if Zahan lies, he creates reality.
As seasoned readers, we all know that the consequences of magic can be wondrous, yet heartbreaking. So when Zahan sets out on his adventures armed with his unique ability along with his friend Porthos, he is drawn into a secret forest full of ill-fated people and his power becomes more dangerous to him and those he loves.
While reading Mehta I couldn’t stop myself from drawing parallels between her novel and that of Salman Rushdie’s ‘Midnight’s Children.’ For one, both the novels have been written against the backdrop of India’s struggle for independence. Then there’s the shadowy and talismanic tone with perfect pacing and alluring imagery that is employed in both the books which simply can’t be ignored. Whether this is Mehta’s conscious choice or not will become clear with her subsequent works. But for now she has done a decent job.

Mehta’s language is stylised, giving her work a refreshing flavour. However, at times it becomes cumbersome and is confusing. The novel ultimately challenges both patience and comprehension with events and characters taking too long to come together. But if one can overcome this tiny bump, the story itself has something novel to offer.

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About the Author

Tashan Mehta was awarded the Sangam House Writer’s Residency in 2015, and has been longlisted for the TFA prize for fiction for two years. Her writing has appeared in literary journals such as OUT OF PRINT and NOTES, an Oxbridge publication. The Liar’s Weave is her first novel.

I'd like to thank the author for letting me review the book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading! 

* I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
** Picture courtesy:  and

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Book Review: The Double X Factor by Pratap Nair

Title: The Couble X Factor
Author: Pratap Nair
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House

About the Book

99 stories of incredible women from India.

Featuring Zia Mody, Chanda Kochhar, Mary Kom, Neerja Bhanot, Anita Dongre and others

99 daughters of India who dared to be different

From Rani Lakshmibai and Indira Gandhi to Chanda Kocchar and Mary Kom, The Double-X Factor explores the lives and times of 99 exceptional achievers who challenged the gender barrier and rose to fame. 

Indian history is replete with instances of women’s valour, fortitude, courage, self-sacrifice and leadership in times of crisis. Some of them have turned into folklore and many of them have been immortalized in movies. Most of all, these women have left a great and indelible impact on several generations. Be it politics, arts, entertainment, sports or business, they carved a niche in every sphere that was once considered a male domain. Today, they have become role models to a nation of 1.34 billion, of which almost half is female. 


For millions of years the fairer sex has been considered the weaker sex. However, defying all the odds, women have left a great and indelible impact on several generations with their act and benevolence. Be it politics, arts, entertainment, sports or business, they have carved a niche in every sphere that was once considered a male domain. Sometimes they have been hailed for their courage while other times they have been spurned for the same. But they have endured and held fast to their strength. And today, they have become role models to a nation of 1.34 billion, of which almost half is female. 
This small but ambitious book profiles 99 such Indian women who stood the test of time and dared to make a difference. The volume offers a definitive, indispensable sampling of women in top form throughout the ages who challenged the gender barrier and rose to fame. Each of the woman hails from a different background but what they have in common is a mission to penetrate the fog of uncertainty to discover a successful path. For them it all began with a dream that just won’t quit.
Most of the biographies concentrate on women who have persevered to do work that gives them satisfaction for reasons both personal and altruistic. Commendably, biographical information extends way back from Rani Lakshmibai to present day achievers like Mary Kom.
The profiles are engaging and readers will likely be inspired to investigate these fascinating women further. In an informative style, Nair highlights the lives and times of these feisty females. He aims to inspire his audience because inspiration can come from any place and at any time.
To all those looking for some much needed motivation, this is the book to pick up. Read and dare to do the different.

About the Author

Pratap Nair is the founder of FEI Cargo, a logistics company. Shailaja Nair Foundation – FEI’s CSR arm – was established to help women and children come up in life.

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I'd like to thank the author for letting me review the book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading! 

* I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
** Picture courtesy: 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Release Day Blitz: Avishi by Saiswaroopa Iyer

~ Release Day Blitz ~
Avishi by Saiswaroopa Iyer
12th August, 2017

Long before the times of Draupadi and Sita
Immortalised in the hymns of the Rig Veda
But largely forgotten to the memory of India
Is the Warrior Queen with an iron leg, Vishpala

Brought up in the pristine forest school of Naimisha, Avishi reaches the republic of Ashtagani in search of her destiny. When Khela, the oppressive King of the neighbouringVrishabhavati begins to overwhelm and invade Ashtagani, Avishi rises to protect her settlement. But peril pursues her everywhere.
Separated from her love, her settlement broken, with a brutal injury needing amputation of her leg, can Avishi overcome Khela?

Read an Excerpt

“I am the Queen! This will be my throne!” The seven-year-old chirped leaping from the middle of the porch towards the broken mortar which served as a mock throne. “You will be my guard!”
“Guard?” the man pondered scratching his unkempt beard. 
“No.” He shook his head and smiled seeing her indignant eyes. “I will be the Queen’s elephant.” He beamed.
Sukratu stepped out of the house to see his daughter in action, perching herself on the tramp Loha’s back, pretending in all earnestness that he was her elephant. He smiled and was about to set out for his duty as the night guard of the King. A sudden lightning appeared in the eastern skies. Sukratu had barely walked a few paces when a deafening thunder made him instinctively turn towards home. He heaved a sigh, finding Loha shielding the girl as if he would, his own child. 
“Father, don’t go.” The girl pleaded. 
Sukratu smiled and shifted his gaze towards the sky. He saw dark clouds loom over the city. The monsoon winds had started to make their presence felt. He had to reach the palace soon. “Isn’t my little Queen brave?” He called out. 
The girl nodded. He saw the fear fade. From her eyes. From her heart. She knew she was the queen! Pride filled his heart. His mind ached to stay home but duty beckoned. Tearing his gaze away from the one he treasured the most in his life, braving the drizzle that would soon turn into a storm, he unwillingly walked towards the King’s residence. Sukratu’s house was in the third ring of the concentric structure of Vrishabhavati. In the centre, was the structure, that served as the residence of the king and as the centre of all trade activity of the city. Here no wealth or goods could change hands without the king’s knowledge and approval. The residences of the noblemen formed the two rings around it. The guards and soldiers forming the outermost circle with the citizens living around them. 
As per the protocol, Sukratu approached General Ugra’s residence quite ahead of his reporting time— an hour before the moonrise. He walked into the empty courtyard. But the rain made it impossible for him to stand there any longer. He knocked at the giant wooden door fervently. The doors creaked as a strange woman clad in a dark indigo garment opened them and glared at him with a frown on her forehead. 
General Ugra, Sukratu knew was never faithful to one woman. His superior’s romantic exploits were not his concern either. But something about the woman at the door disconcerted him. “Please let General Ugra know that…”
“He has already left for the palace!” The woman frowned before attempting to shut the door. 
“What? How ca…” Sukratu’s words hung in air as the door slammed on his face and the woman disappeared from his line of vision all of a sudden. Something did not feel right. He knocked at the door again. Firmly this time, as though seeking answers. Any change in the reporting time would have been announced the day before and he remembered that nothing of the sort had happened. His knocks went unanswered. Frowning and muttering under his breath, Sukratu hurried towards an empty cowshed three houses away from Ugra’s place hoping to catch his companions who he knew would be equally surprised. 
The first to arrive was Khela, the eighteen-year-old guard, holding a metal shield above his head. The newest addition to the King’s guard, Khela was related to General Ugra and Sukratu felt that his position in the King’s guard was largely a result of undue favours that Ugra showered upon an otherwise impudent boy. 
“Sukratu! By the great Varuna, I should have come to you earlier!” Khela hurried towards him. Pausing for breath, he added. “Our platoon has been given a relief tonight! It was a sudden decision and I personally informed all the others.”
“Relief for tonight? That happens only when…”
“Our guarding hours change from night to day!” Khela completed in a hurry. “Now, come with me.” He turned towards the western direction and the javelin he held started to sway dangerously and came close to grazing Sukratu’sarm. 
The older guard’s instincts made him dodge the cut. “Where?” Sukratu hissed, visibly annoyed, first with the fact that he was kept in dark about the change in guarding hours and then about Khela’s irreverent behaviour. “And watch who your weapon hurts, boy.”
Khela shrugged and changed the position of his weapon. “We are now going to the place.” He winked, stretching his hand in the direction. “Follow me, this is the only night we get to have some fun.”
Sukratu did not move. The place he knew implied the tavern where wine was served. “We cannot drink tonight, Khela. When do we have to report tomorrow? By sunrise?”
“You ask too many questions. The rest of us are there too!”
“That does not answer my question.” 
“Well, I don’t know, and I don’t care to. The palace is paying for the wine. Are you coming or not?” 
The last sentence sounded more like a threat than an invite. Sukratu had all the mind to give the youth a piece of his mind and storm back home. His daughter would be overjoyed to see him before she went to sleep. It gnawed at Sukratu’s heart every day to leave her under the care of Loha— the tramp who had begged him for shelter about six months ago and then became a part of his life. The girl liked him instantly and had begged Sukratu to let Loha live with them and he, despite his misgivings about the tramp’s origins and his unkempt appearance, could not refuse his only daughter. Over time, Sukratu felt grateful for Loha’s company. Now his daughter did not have to be all by herself every night. The guard’s home would have been unguarded if not for that stranger. Sukratu brushed aside these thoughts and had almost decided to go home when the thought of meeting other senior guards and clarifying the confusion struck him. He followed Khela’s lead, making no attempt to hide his displeasure. 
When they reached the tavern, Sukratu to his dismay, found many of his brothers in arms deeply drunk. “When did they reach here and when did they…”
“Quite some time before. I just forgot to tell you in advance!”
Sukratu’s eyes scrutinized the men and women of the tavern who were serving wine to the guards. There were no other citizens or travellers in the tavern. 
“Just for us, the whole night!” Khela said as if reading his thoughts, bringing him an earthen goblet. 
The older guard accepted the goblet taking his first sip with a sense of foreboding. 
“Where were you all the time, old friend?” The voice belonged to Tunga one of the senior guards in the platoon. 
The grin on his friend’s face brought a smile to Sukratu’s lips. “Tunga, what is this about the sudden change in our guarding hours?” 
“The King… that imbecile, has finally remembered that we are human too!” Tunga guffawed, emptying his goblet, waving vigorously at a woman of the tavern who obliged with a seductive wink. 
She approached them, skilfully distributing her attention between both the men, winking at Tunga and pouting her lips at Sukratu. Her brows rose at Sukratu’s filled cup. “Don’t keep the Sura nor this Sundari waiting, my love...” Serving Tunga his wine, she placed her fingers upon Sukratu’s shoulders, digging her nails into his skin for a moment locking her gaze with his and turned around swiftly, letting her light upper garment rest on his face for a fleeting moment. 
It was a wilful invitation and Sukratu knew it. His attention though was caught by the colour of the garment. The Indigo hued garment! All the women of the tavern wore clothes of the same colour. So did the woman he saw in General Ugra’s house! Was Ugra at home while the woman lied that he was at the palace? If the General and the whole platoon of the night guard were lying down drunk, who was minding the security of the King? Sukratu looked at the rest of the guards. No one seemed sober enough to talk. The only sober man Khela had disappeared!
“By the great Varuna!” Sukratu exclaimed aloud and rushed out, pushing the woman who tried to stop him away. 
He raced to the King’s residence, as fast as his legs could carry him. The huge wooden gates of the structure were closed and secured from inside. The rain lashed drowning his cries. Misgivings regarding the King’s welfare made him shudder. He had to meet General Ugra. Something told him that the General had his own reasons to send the whole platoon of guards to enjoy a drunk night. He was a guard who had sworn to protect the King with his life. The general owed him an answer. Sukratu rushed to General Ugra’s house determined to confront him. 
That, Sukratu realized was the biggest mistake of his life. 
At the gates of the general’s residence he saw a familiar figure hurrying out of his house, a heavy bundle on his shoulders. “General Ugra!” he called out, feeling relieved. 
The figure started, and the bundle fell to the ground. Sukratu came to a sudden halt as he realized it wasn’t a bundle after all, but a blood-drenched corpse. A stroke of lightning from the sky revealed the face and the very familiar greying curls. Sukratu froze for a long moment before he could speak.
 “K... King...”
Something hit him on the head even before he could utter the name. Sukratu staggered, reeling at the impact, clutching at his long sword in a vain attempt to defend the next move. 
“Finish him!” The General shout behind him. 
Before he turned around, Sukratu felt the cold metal tear into his back. Lightning struck revealing the contours of the person. Khela! The javelin stabbed him again. Thunder drowned his screams. Falling to the ground with the weapon still stuck to his back, Sukratu lifted his sword and managed to slash Khela’s palm though the latter, unlike him was vigilant and alert. Crawling away from the menacing duo, knowing very well that he could not last more than a few moments, Sukratu’s thoughts, went to his innocent daughter. She would now languish as an orphan remaining in dark about the monsters who killed her father. Or would they kill her too?
Sukratu would never know. 

About the Author:

Saiswaroopa is an IITian and a former investment analyst turned author. Her keen interest in ancient Indian history, literature and culture made her take to writing. Her debut novel Abhaya, set in the times of Mahabharata was published in 2015. Avishi, her second novel set in Vedic India explores the legend of India’s first mentioned female warrior queen Vishpala.
She holds a certificate in Puranas from Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies. She is also trained in Carnatic Classical music and has won a state level gold medal from Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. 

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Friday, August 11, 2017

Book Blast: Vishwamitra by Dr Vineet Aggarwal

Vishwamitra by Dr. Vineet Aggarwal
Indian Mythological Fiction
~ Book Blitz ~
11th August, 2017

When Satyavati, wife of Rishi Ruchik, exchanges with her mother the magic potion for bearing a child, they change not just their children’s destiny, but also the history of mankind. Born of this mix up is Vishwamitra, the son of a Kshatriya, who strives to become a Brahmarishi—the ultimate and most powerful of all Gurus.

Vishwamitra is the powerful story of a brave but stubborn, haughty yet compassionate, visionary king of Aryavarta who not only acquires material wealth through military conquests but also becomes one of the most well-known sages of all times.

5 lesser known facts about Vishwamitra

Almost everyone would have heard the name of Vishwamitra and some may even know of his dalliance with Menaka, or the role he played in the Ramayan but even those who are familiar with his name, may not know these five things about him:
  1. Vishwamitra was born a Kshatriya prince and he reached the status of Brahmarishi, the highest possible rank for a Brahmin only through his tremendous effort!
  2. He is the discoverer of the Gayatri Mantra that is spoken by millions of Hindus even today all over the globe! 
  3. He is associated with two major Avatars of Lord Vishnu - Parshuram, the 6th incarnation was his grand-nephew while he himself became the Guru of Shri Raam, the 7th incarnation.
  4. Vishwamitra’s daughter Shakuntala gave birth to Bharat, the King who gave India its official name – Bhaarat.
  5. He is credited with the remarkable feat of creating actual star systems purely on the basis of his mystical powers & the stars he created can still be seen in the southern hemisphere as the Crux. 
About the Author

Dr. Vineet Aggarwal is described by many as a doctor by qualification, manager by profession and artist by temperament. Born in a family of doctors, he successfully completed an initial stint with the family occupation before deciding to venture into pharmaceutical management and currently pursues writing and photography as a passion.

He is the author of popular online blogs ‘Decode Hindu Mythology’ and ‘Fraternity Against Terrorism and Extremism’ and the author of books ‘Vishwamitra – The Man who dared to challenge the Gods’ and ‘The Legend of Parshu-Raam’

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Book Review: Against All Odds by Danielle Steel

Title: Against All Odds
Author: Danielle Steel
Publisher: Pan Macmillan


Danielle Steel’s latest offering is about a widowed mother of four – Kate Madison. She is a successful woman in life in spite of all the odds stacked against her. She has raised four lovely children — Isabelle, Julie, Justin, and Willie — all on her own and now they are old enough to embark on their life’s journey alone. In the course of time each of her four children commits an act, against all odds no doubt, that will define their lives forever.
Isabelle potentially puts her career as an attorney on the line for a love she thinks she can make work. Julie makes a shocking decision to quickly marry a man who seems too good to be true. Justin pushes his partner to take an enormous step that, as a couple, they may or may not be ready to handle. Meanwhile, in choosing a much older woman, Willie makes a choice that shocks everyone. Finally, standing at the sidelines is Kate herself who learns that she can’t protect the children she loves from the choices they make — but can only love them as they make them.
It is easy to relate to the problems that the four encounter on their way to finding that one person who would make life worthwhile. Even Kate’s character is moulded in a way that is familiar on so many levels. Every aspect in the novel will hit home for a lot of people.
Here is a novel graced with the marvellous ingredients that have made Danielle Steel so enormously popular: finely etched characters; an exquisite understanding of love, power and personal resolve; and a compelling tale about that singular breed of woman who boldly shapes her own world. Set amid the glittering world of haute couture and a modern everyday life, this triumphant and moving story promises to touch the hearts of all who read it, striking chords of recognition in their own lives.

‘Against All Odds’ is a delightfully sprawling drama with characters in all their cocooning warmth.

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About the Author

Danielle Steel has been hailed as one of the world's most popular authors, with over 650 million copies of her novels sold. Her many international bestsellers include Property of a Noblewoman, Blue, Precious Gifts, Undercover, Country, Prodigal Son, Pegasus, A Perfect Life, and other highly acclaimed novels. She is also the author of His Bright Light, the story of her son Nick Traina's life and death; A Gift of Hope, a memoir of her work with the homeless and the children's books Pretty Minnie in Paris and Pretty Minnie in Hollywood. Danielle is famous for her powerfully emotional and inspirational stories about family, life and love. Her novels will be enjoyed by readers of Jodi Picoult, Penny Vincenzi and Diane Chamberlain.

I'd like to thank the author for letting me review the book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading! 

* I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
** Picture courtesy: