Friday, February 23, 2018

Cover Reveal: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

** Cover Reveal **

Title: Children of Blood and Bone
Author: Tomi Adeyemi
Publisher: Pan Macmillan India

They killed my mother. They took our magic. They tried to bury us. 
Now we rise.

Zélie remembers when the soil of Orïsha hummed with magic. When different clans ruled – Burners igniting flames, Tiders beckoning waves, and Zélie’s Reaper mother summoning forth souls.

But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, anyone with powers was targeted and killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope. Only a few people remain with the power to use magic, and they must remain hidden.

Zélie is one such person. Now she has a chance to bring back magic to her people and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must learn to harness her powers and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good.

Danger lurks in Orïsha, where strange creatures prowl, and vengeful spirits wait in the waters. Yet the greatest danger may be Zélie herself as she struggles to come to terms with the strength of her magic – and her growing feelings for an enemy.

Tomi Adeyemi is a Nigerian-American writer and creative writing coach based in San Diego, California. After graduating Harvard University with an honors degree in English literature, she studied West African mythology and culture in Salvador, Brazil. When not writing novels or watching Scandal, Tomi teaches and blogs about creative writing on her website, named one of the 101 best websites for writers by Writer's Digest. Children of Blood and Bone is her debut novel.

‘Infused with rich mythology of west Africa, Adeyemi’s lush world-building and consummate plotting breathes new life into a YA fantasy epic. Themes of oppression and racism resonate all too strongly in today’s political climate. The cliffhanger ending may leave some readers reeling but, rest assured, this is first in a trilogy.’ Fiona Noble, Observer

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Author Interview: Subhashish Dey, author of Fate's Design

Subhashish is a 14-year-old student of Chinmaya Vidyalaya Anna Nagar. He has been regularly contributing short stories to his school magazine. An avid reader, Subhashish believes that books open the doors to some wonderful insights in life. A brilliant student, Subhashish loves to explore different places and spends time trying to understand the culture of the people there.

Subhashish lives in Chennai along with his parents and grandmother. This is his first attempt at writing a novel. Subhashish is passionate about music and loves singing and playing his piano. Incidentally, music forms the backbone of the story of his novel. 

When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer/a storyteller?
I only realized that I wanted to be a writer when I started working on my first manuscript. It was a strangely liberating experience to put all my thoughts into a piece of paper, and as I watched it taking shape, I just knew all of a sudden that I would never stop writing.

What motivates you to write and where does your inspiration come from?
Two things inspire me to write. One, all of the dramatic things I see happening to people around me, and two, the songs I listen to all the time.

How did you come up with the idea for your current story?
I had heard of a girl being bullied and couldn’t get it out of my mind. I went to sleep thinking about it, and woke up with a story in my mind of a girl who got bullied, whose mother just happened to be a popstar.

What is your writing process? Do you follow a regular routine or do you have any weird, funny, or unusual habits while writing and what are they?
I just knew where my story would start, and where it would end, but I never had the whole thing planned. I just went along with the flow as I was conjuring chapter after chapter, and maybe that is why I was satisfied only after five drafts. After every draft, I made some major changes to the plot itself. It was a tedious and time consuming process, and I will definitely spend more time finalizing my ideas hereafter.  I never followed any semblance of a routine. Whenever I had any free time, I would go straight to the writing desk. I scream-sing a lot when I write. It helps make the dialogue natural.

What are your current/future projects?
I am currently planning a sequel to Fate’s Design, and after that I am going to write a post-apocalyptic fantasy book.

Are you traditional or self-published, and what process did you go through to get your book published?
As a young boy, I did not have any idea about publishing. I wrote the book, and then left it to my father to talk to publishers and get it published. From him I have come to know about Good Times Books Pvt. Ltd. and am thankful to them for seeing the spark in my writing and accepting my manuscript. I am very happy with the way the proof reading, typesetting and post publication promotions have been and are being done by the publisher.   

What do you do if inspiration strikes in an inconvenient place like (car, restaurant, bathroom/shower, etc..) and how do you capture that moment before it gets away from you?
I have an app in which I can type notes, which I use all the time. It’s full of snippets of poetry, thoughts of characters, physical descriptions or even just names I see here and there.

If you had the chance to get one message out there to reach readers all over the world, what would that message be?
I feel like my book carries a message of hope, a message that dreams do come true and that bad things do happen, but there is always a silver lining. We live in an age when something called the quarter-life crisis exists, so I hope that people find my book to be an encouragement to live through the lows of their lives and work towards a better future.

What would you like to write about that you have never written about before?
I would like to write fantasy in the future. I love reading fantasy books, but didn’t have the courage to undertake such a huge project for a debut, however, I read somewhere that writers should write what they are afraid to write. That way they expand their horizons.

Were there any challenges (research, literary, psychological, or logistical) in bringing your book to life?
There were a few times when I lost patience with the book and wanted to give up. My father would then talk to me, and encourage me to go on. He has been instrumental in instilling patience in me to finish what I had taken upon myself.

Do you read? Who are your favourite authors and how have they influenced your writing style?
Yes, I love reading books. One of my favourite authors is George R.R. Martin, and through his books he has portrayed that the people we consider to be “evil” may not really be truly black. He has taught us writers that everyone falls into a grey area in the good or bad spectrum, and that it is possible to create empathy for supposedly antagonistic roles. One of my characters in the book also exhibits similar traits.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?
Plan what you want to write, to the tiniest detail, and only then jump into the actual writing part. I find patience to be a very important factor too, as writing a book definitely is a tremendously laborious process.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with your readers?
I am fourteen years old and this is my first attempt at writing a novel. I have tried writing short stories before, but not a novel. I feel that I have given it my best effort and that people will find themselves emotionally invested in the novel. I would really love it if the people who read my book give me their honest feedback. That would help me grow as a writer.

When a kidnapper redeems his lost conscience and finds himself unable to murder the girl he has kidnapped, what does he do? Fate is cruel to him, and good intentions are never enough.
At the same time, a woman dissatisfied with her existence flees from her home, not knowing what lies ahead of her. But all things come at a price, and she has a hard path ahead through storms and fire.  
Watch how fate has entwined these lives together, into a song through struggles of conscience and identity, through the deepest lows and greatest highs, and through the flame of madness and the stings of survival.  

Amazon * Flipkart

Thank you, Subhashish for this amazing interview! I wish you success for all your future works. Keep writing!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Author Interview: Sunil Mishra, author of Transit Lounge

The book is a personal account of travels to places in Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt and Mauritius), South America (Venezuela and Argentina), Asia (China, Iran, Kuwait, UAE, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand), Europe (UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Georgia, Turkey, Croatia and Romania), USA, Australia and New Zealand.
It was interesting to observe all these diverse cultures and people from an Indian perspective. The book is a compilation of small incidents and events during such travels; it includes losing an air ticket, dealing with difficult custom officials or getting mugged in a prime location in a foreign country."

Sunil is a software professional with over two decades of experience in the field of banking technology. Currently he is working with Infosys in India. He has earlier worked with McKinsey, Accenture and I-flex solutions. His work required extensive travelling to various parts of the world and this constituted the basis of his current book. He travelled to more than 30 countries across six continents and engaged with senior managements in different client organizations. He believes that there has been a remarkable change in perception about India over last 15 years.

Sunil is an MBA from IIM-Lucknow and holds a B.Tech from IIT(ISM), Dhanbad. He completed his schooling in Bokaro Steel City, a relatively small town in Jharkhand, India. Sunil has avid interest in writing and has actively blogged on various platforms in the area of banking technology, consulting, leadership and changing role of media in the digital world.

When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer/a storyteller?

I used to write personal notes of individual travels, anything that I would find interesting. As I started blogging about some of these travels, I received positive reviews from my friends and well-wishers. It is then that the idea of collating this and publishing it as a book occurred to me. I am extremely thankful to my friends who helped me overcome the initial hesitation and inertia to write this book.

What motivates you to write and where does your inspiration come from?
Writing is a learning process in itself I think. It happens as part of creative reflection on events and incidents around us. There is a joy in writing that I believe most authors are inspired by. I wanted to capture the learnings that I had from these travels.

What opportunities have being an author presented you with and share those memories? (i.e. travel, friends, events, speaking, etc...)
Being an Author has given me opportunity of sharing my experience through multiple events like Radio interviews, newspaper articles etc. I have been invited in some of the literary events as speaker. It has also given me opportunity to meet some of the eminent personalities like Sri Sri Ravishankar, Nandan Nilekani and Sudha Murthy. 

What field or genre would you classify your book(s) and what attracted you to write in that field or genre?
My book is a travel memoir. Transit Lounge is a contemporary book consisting of short incidents, observations and reflections while travelling to 30 countries across six different continents during the last 15 years. The book has lot of interesting incidents as well learning about different cultures and countries.

What do you do if inspiration strikes in an inconvenient place like (car, restaurant, bathroom/shower, etc..) and how do you capture that moment before it gets away from you?
I think ideation for any book is a slow process, for me it was mostly recollection of the events and incidents during the travel. I used to write at times in the travel lounges or also in the flights.  It has been a great learning experience for me as well.

How do you think you have evolved as a person/author because of your writing and do you believe your writing has helped others, how/why?
The book has helped me reflect on my own experience and put them in as coherent learnings about people, places and cultures. It has helped me relive those beautiful experiences. I feel very happy when some of the reviewers share that the book has helped them understand the world better. Some of them have also said it could be a guide for Indian travelers.

Do you believe there is value in a review? Do you believe they are under rated, over rated, or don’t matter at all?
I do believe there is great value in the review. When you are writing a book, you get so absorbed in the same that a neutral perspective is lost. The reviews provide great commentary on how the things can be improved. I read each review with lot of interest and attention.

What is your biggest fear about having a book published?
When I started writing this book, I did not quite know the publishing process. As is true for many first time authors, I had numerous rejections. I did not quite succeed in 2009 when I tried publishing and almost dropped the idea. This time I was fortunate to get a good publisher. Like all authors, my fear is the same – rejection from publishers.

Give us a fun fact about your book(s)?
The book being a memoir has lot of anecdotes. One incident I recall was our business presentations in Tehran. An English translator was hard to find. The best we could find was a local partner, who spoke good English but was a veterinary doctor by profession. He would translate every word after I spoke and he would take at least thrice as much time and a lot more sentences to explain. After sometime, I got suspicious if he was only translating what I was saying or adding his own story. It was tough for him to explain banking terms being a veterinary doctor. Every time he brought a book of English dictionary for our presentations and meetings. He would refer to them during meetings as well. He took some 15 minutes to explain "interest" and I was told he used some medical terms to explain that.

If you had the chance to get one message out there to reach readers all over the world, what would that message be?
"The world is a book, and those who don't travel only read one page." – St. Augustine
Another one on traveler versus tourist – "The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see." -  G.K. Chesterton
My attempt to write the book has been to capture the traveler’s account, I enjoyed writing it and I hope it is equally liked by the readers.

Do you view writing as a career, labor of love, hobby, creative outlet, therapy, or something else?
I write mostly as a hobby with creative outlet and not as a career. Most of the authors would candidly admit that there is very little chance of making any money from it (not from your first book at least) - they write for the joy of writing and that itself is a great reward, though intangible.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?
For the first time writer, getting over the initial hesitation is the most important thing.
My learning has been that write like no one will ever read and edit like everyone is going to read. Don’t edit when you are writing first few pages, just write and write regularly.

Amazon * Flipkart

Thank you, Sunil for this amazing interview! I wish you success for all your future works. Keep writing!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Cover Reveal: Corridors of Time by Vinay Krishnan

~ Cover Reveal ~
Corridors of Time by Vinay Krishnan


Corridors of Time tracks the story of a sensitive young man who grows from carefree childhood to eventful manhood - one who stumbles before learning to stride through those dark and dense passages.
Set in Bangalore - a city of paradoxes. of gardens and garbage heaps. of technology and traffic snarls. of friendly people and failing infrastructure, when bungalows had gardens and pavements were meant for pedestrians - this is a narrative of the human spirit.
Rohan, an idealistic young sports lover experiences rejection, dark dejection and isolation and hurtles down the path to self destruction.
Shyla, attractive and successful is everything his heart yearns for and his body desires, except, she is married!
Chandrika, simple and devoted fails to understand the man she loves.
The Shuklas long for justice denied by the system.
And Khalid fears nothing and no one ...anymore.

About the Author:

Vinay Krishnan describes himself as a ‘complete Bangalorean’. A student of Clarence High School, he graduated in Humanities from St Joseph’s College. Earning a diploma in Business Administration, he began his career at Usha International Ltd and rose to a position of Senior Sales manager. Vinay has now set up a construction firm of his own. He also writes and devotes his time to an NGO assisting people with disability. The city of his dreams, Bangalore, where he stays with his wife and daughter, continues to inspire and exasperate him. He can be reached at –

Praises for the Book:

The book is simple in style and content, for often it is this simplicity that bewilders and rouses
~ Shri S . Rajendra Babu, Former Chief Justice of India

The book has excellent literary craftsmanship, passion humour and adventure. Highly recommended.
~ Mr. Namboodiri, former Asst. Editor, Deccan Herald

This charming book about old Bangalore is written in a racy easy-to-read style.
~ Deccan Herald, Bangalore.

This Cover Reveal is brought to you by Author's Channel in association with b00k r3vi3ws

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sale Tour: Summer Spirit Novellas by Samantha Jacobey


   ‿➹⁀   Grab The Summer Spirit Novella Set.‿➹⁀

          A unique paranormal adventure - no one ever had a summer romance like this!

          During his last family vacation before college, Charlie Phillips slipped through a crack in reality and fell into another dimension parallel to our own. There, he met the girl of his dreams, and quickly felt the connection between them, but soon he had tough choices to make.

          Are these magical creatures Angels here to protect us, or are they Aliens here to take over our world?

          A love story like no other, Charlie and Clarisse must unravel the truth about the universe – but they must be careful! Lives hang in the balance, with Karama and Keeper watching, waiting to see which side they choose.

          Get the full series in one boxed set – only 99 cents for Valentines or free on KU!

          (Offer valid in the US only, regular price $4.99 for the set or 99 cents each individually)!

#LavishPubs #SamanthaJacobey #Angels #Aliens #Romance

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Excerpt from Summer Angel:
Copyright Samantha Jacobey and Lavish Publishing, LLC

The Dark Side

          Charlie felt chilled, a dark alley surrounding him. Blinking a few times, he could make out the graffiti covered walls that lined the narrow passage. To his left stood a large dumpster, filled with smelly garbage, some of which had fallen onto the ground and polluted the air. Coughing at the foul mixture, he leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath.
          “Where the hell are we now?” he demanded, more unhappy with their
        journey at every stop.
         “We’re still in New York,” she supplied in a quiet voice. “Visiting one of my oldest charges,” she continued softly, “One I have tried so many times to help.”
          Following her gaze, he could make out a row of cardboard boxes leaning against a wall. The air was cooler in the shadow of the tall buildings, and he emitted a small shiver when he noticed the sound of rustling paper coming from inside the structure. “Is someone in there?” he gasped. He had heard of street people, but had never seen a homeless person beyond those who begged on corners back in Texas.
          “Yes,” she agreed softly, “He’s in there.”
          “So, why don’t you use your magic, and build him a place to live?” the boy scoffed more loudly, before realizing they might be heard. Inching closer to the makeshift sanctuary, his voice took on a lower disgusted tone, “What kind of Guardian Angel are you, if you let this happen to him?”
          Clarisse could hear the accusation, aware that he did not understand. “I cannot make the choices for him, Charlie. I can provide the path or the means, but in the end, it is up to the client to follow them. The woman you saw earlier; she had to choose to make the stop. That is what altered the future for them, and avoided the accident. She could have chosen to continue on, and I would have been powerless to stop it.”
          “So it is with this man,” her extended palm indicated her subject, “Many times, I have lain obstacles in his path. Tangents that could have led him to a better place. He chose to sidestep them. The choices we make dictate the lives we lead, Charlie,” her face grew drawn, and he could see the sadness pressing down upon her.
          “You’re saying he wants t’ live like this?” he glared at her incredulously.
          “Not in so many words,” she whispered, “I’m only saying, he chose not to take a different path. This is where we are, and this is how it is.” Her face shifted, fear taking the place of sadness, “Oh, no!”
          “What?” he bit angrily, “Another client you have failed t’ protect?”
           “No, Charlie,” she opened her palm, staring at her small white communicator, “It’s time. Come away, precious,” she stepped forward, and he noticed that her wardrobe had changed, and a long white gown flowed about her. Grasping his arm, she guided him away from the box, their backs to it.
          Hearing a commotion behind them, the young man paused. Turning to look over his shoulder, she gripped him tighter, preventing him from doing so. He could hear the cries for help, and frowned into her horror-stricken features.
           “Don’t look, Charlie!” she implored in a raspy voice.
          “What’s happening?” his eyes wide as saucers, he panted, hearing the sound of the cardboard shelter being ripped away and blows being laid upon its occupant.
          “Fate will claim him,” she confessed, a tear spilling over and moistening her lashes, “I am duty bound not to interfere.”
          The ruckus continued, striking fear into Charlie, his chest growing tight as he struggled to breathe. Staring into her clear blue orbs, her comrade felt confused, “But... you’re his Guardian Angel! Stop them!”
           “I can’t,” she cried, oblivious of the two men who had ceased their beating, and begun to paw through the remains, searching the body and its premises.
            Holding him, inhibiting him from seeing their actions, Clarisse trembled in the darkness of the alley. Sliding his arm around her slender frame, Charlie pulled her closer to him, his own horror overwhelmed with the urge to protect her. He could feel the warmth of her air brushing his cheek, keeping the heaviness of the shadow that surrounded them at bay. A moment later, the two men ambled up the narrow path, walking right next to the couple.
          “Did ya get a whiff o’ this stack o’ cash?” one of them wafted a fist full of bills, “Couple
‘o grand here, but it smells like ass!” he cackled.
          “Half o’ that’s mine,” the second man rejoined with a punch to the arm, “An’ I don’ care what it smells like! It all spends th’ same.”
          Charlie could feel his gut wrench at their degrading demeanor. “Oh my God,” he breathed, turning enough to see the bloody corpse and what remained of his home strewn across the pavement. “You hid us, so they couldn’ see an’ attack us, too,” he deduced, gripping her more firmly, “Like some kind o’ cloaking magic.” The very air around them seemed to grow even colder as he held her thin frame.
            Glaring at him in surprise, she inhaled deeply, holding it for an instant before releasing it loudly; “Sure, Charlie,” she nodded.
           Turning back to face her squarely, the young man jumped at the sight of a hooded figure, standing over her shoulder.
           “Well, who is this now?” the stranger spoke in a low moan, removing the cover from his head.
           Instantly, the girl stiffened, emitting a small cry. Spinning in her new friend’s arms, she placed herself between the two males, and shook her head slowly, her heart pounding at the surprise visitor.
           Looking him up and down, Charlie noted he wore a black robe, his skin equally dark; human shaped, but definitely something else. “Who the hell are you?” he demanded, his voice filled with bravado.
          “I am Gous,” the new arrival hissed.
           “Go away, Gous,” the blonde screamed, wiping at her tears while straightening herself to her full height, “You may have taken the beggar, but this one is mine!”
          Low laughter rumbled from beneath the dark cloth, “Is he now?” His beady brown eyes shifted to auburn, “What if I’m still hungry?” His dark lips parted, exposing sharp white teeth.
          “Can’t you fight him? I mean, what is he?” Charlie stood closely behind her, speaking quietly into the back of her head. His instincts on edge, he recognized the ebony stranger as a foe.
          “I am a Dark Angel,” Gous proclaimed, the sound of his voice grating on the boy’s nerves like nails on a chalkboard. “I am the minion of Fate.”
          Shifting, her white robes billowing around her, she called back, “You have no business here! Be gone, before I summon the Keeper!”
          The Dark Angel laughed at her challenge, “Are you frightened, boy?” His eyes had grown brighter, the red overpowering the brown, looking more like glowing embers. When Charlie failed to respond, he addressed his nemesis, “The beggar was always mine. I only took my time, allowing him to suffer before I devoured him. Watch yourself, Clarisse. I think you are mine as well,” he ended with a sneer.
          “I will never be yours!” her jaw clenched. Leaning closer to her, Charlie’s arms tightened around her waist as if to hold her from physically attacking the interloper. “Away with you!”
          Too frightened to speak, the young man waited. The hair on his neck standing on end, he watched a hand slide out of the robe, rising slowly to caress her trembling chin with an extended digit.
          “Enjoy your time while you can, Summer Angel. The darkness is coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it!” His words filled with ominous foreboding, he turned his back on the couple, disappearing the instant his hood had been dropped back into place.

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Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations anywhere at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night.

I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the books that are currently available and hope you will enjoy reading them just as much. And of course, there will be many more stories to come.

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Monday, February 12, 2018

Book Review: Love in Lutyens' Delhi by Amitabh Pandey

Title: Love In Lutyens' Delhi
Author: Amitabh Pandey
Publisher: Pan Macmillan India 

Amitabh Pandey’s ‘Love in Lutyens’ Delhi’ is the story of two childhood sweethearts who grow up amidst different social upbringings and come to see life not through rose-tinged glasses by the time their story culminates. Written partly in the epistolary (read e-mails) form, the novel is grounded in realistic conflicts. The core relationships are authentic and memorable, and the conclusion is satisfying.

As the story progresses we learn that Akriti and Sanjay were kindergarten friends and then lovers in college before hitting the real world. With bureaucrats for parents, Sanju’s world is one of power, privilege and entitlement. Akku, on the other hand, is brought up by a single mother and a smart and sassy editor for an aunt with commitment issues. What follows is something out of a standard urban scenario and predictable to a certain degree. Sanju’s mind is in turmoil as he chooses to abandon his dreams and, like his parents, looks to the Civil Services for what he thinks will be a meaningful career. Meanwhile, Akku, armed with a BTech from IIT, is jetting off to a land of systems design and fun-loving computer geniuses.

The story is nothing new but the way Amitabh has managed the pace is commendable. It doesn’t bore the reader. The writer’s genius lies in his projection of Lutyens’ Delhi — not just as a place, but as a character demanding attention. Amitabh has portrayed Lutyens’ as the senior sarkari portion of New Delhi where power, and those who wield it, reside. Here, love is not enough; “waiting for a plum posting is.” So, can Akku and Sanju’s love survive these growing differences? Or will the compulsions of Lutyens’ Delhi stand in the way of their togetherness?  Read and find it for yourself.

To sum it, Love in Lutyens’ Delhi has a well-crafted plot with interesting revelations about living in the so-called modern times.

Amitabh Pandey studied economics at St. Stephen’s College and Delhi School of Economics. He taught economics at an undergraduate college of Delhi University and then joined the Indian Railways where he worked for twenty-four years, during the course of which he conceptualized, implemented and managed the railways online ticket reservation system at the IRCTC. In 2007, Amitabh shifted to the private sector and spent five years building business software. He now lives in Noida and writes full-time.

I'd like to thank the publisher for letting me review the book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading! 

* I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
** Picture courtesy: ,