Title: When I Fell In Love With Life
Author: Geetha Paniker
Pages: 234
Publisher: Partridge Publishers
Author: Geetha Paniker
Pages: 234
Publisher: Partridge Publishers
About the book
An anthology of writings from a cancer survivor whose therapeutic writing will guide, inspire, and heal your soul. She lays bare all the aspects of private suffering yet points out how she overcame each challenge with grit, determination, and a healthy dose of childish delight and wonder. Profound thoughts narrated in a simple language. Her words and wonderful ability to blend with her surroundings yet stand out by absorbing the essence of it all; will challenge you to look at life through a rebel's twinkling eye. Journey with this nature-loving, soul-searching, deep-thinking powerhouse. See what it feels like to touch rock bottom and build a solid foundation for a life made on her terms. A truthful story that continues to redefine the norm and gives you a glimpse into the life of a true survivor.
What does it mean to survive a life-threatening illness? Well, I’d like to quote one of my favourite singers, Kelly Clarkson, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” It is what Geetha Paniker, the author of ‘When I Fell in Love with Life’ feels too. At least that is what I gathered after reading her inspiring novel. Cancer is nothing one can get through without learning a valuable life lesson. Her story eloquently demonstrates how seemingly insurmountable adversity can bring forth surprising courage and strength to those who have faced the most difficult situation in their life. This book also tells that when things go wrong courage, grit and determination matter a lot since success does not come from quitting but from the simple belief that you can get through anything if your mind is set.
Geetha Paniker has a very candid style about her writing that urges one to read on. The way she has written her experience is superbly complementary for she hasn’t just given the ugly side of her illness; rather she has romanticized the disease itself so much so that it doesn’t terrify to turn the pages. She calls her illness an "Emperor of Maladies" and at certain times mentions it as a creeping crab. There is no false sentimentality, there's no Pollyanna, no posing. Through her narration one gets to see beyond the emotional fall-out of confronting cancer. The book contains several inspiring quotes and optimism blended with a lot of positivity. Her poems also need special mention for they are profound. There is a powerful cumulative impact on the reader that lingers.
This is a fine book. I'm sure it will have special meaning for both cancer survivors and cancer victims alike. But just as importantly, for many of us who are neither of these, it also helps us better understand ourselves.
About the author
Geetha Paniker is a retired primary school teacher. She has a unique ability to find beauty around when pain rains on her and it is this pain that keeps her grounded and humane. She is a teacher at heart, but God and nature are her teachers, and she draws lessons from everything around—from the mist on the mountaintop to the dewdrop on a blade of grass. She hails from Anthikad, a village in Trichur, and lives in Chennai.
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I'd like to thank author Geetha Paniker for letting me review her book. I do hope you end up liking the book when you read it. Thank you so much for stopping by, and happy reading!
Thanks a lot Jonali for this great review.