Monday, April 30, 2018

Author Interview: Mark Morrison, Author of TwoSpells

Mark was born number seven of eight children in a small town in Ohio. His family moved to Florida where he grew up, met an incredible women, got married and raised four fantastic children, three boys and a girl.

Many years later an empty nest left him to his true calling, storytelling. His first remarkable story is about a heroin whose courage and unrestrained personality, like his daughters, breathes passion and fervor into this adrenaline packed fantastical story.

When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer/a storyteller?
Probably somewhere around the age of ten. I think that's when I was becoming self-aware. Before that I can only remember being in a shroud of fog, oblivious to my surroundings, not much was getting through my thick skull before that age.

What motivates you to write and where does your inspiration come from?
I don't seem to need motivating. I have the gift of gab so if I'm not talking I'm channeling my thoughts onto paper. My wife and family have heard most of my stories many many times, so who else can I tell them to, the rest of the world.

How did you come up with the idea for your current story? 
One of my daughters-in-law is a librarian whom I love like my own daughter. So I thought I’d create a story about a library. The story actually started out as a mid-grade fantasy adventure about the internal battle waging between the electronic word of books and the written word within the library. But within a week or so it morphed and turned a whole different direction, not resembling anything of the sort.

What question do you wish that someone would ask about your book(s), but nobody has? Write it out here, and then answer it.
Will there be more of them? Of course I've roughed out a few more of the TwoSpells series already and have almost completed a mid-grade novelette tiled Corky which is also a series.

What is your writing process? Do you follow a regular routine or do you have any weird, funny, or unusual habits while writing and what are they?
I wake between 2:30 and 3;00 every day, my body clock was set many years ago. I exercise then begin writing while the house is quiet and peaceful. That last until I have to ready myself for work at 6:30. When I'm through work I begin again, usually around 3:30 to 4:00, after I ride my bicycle ten miles (I ride approximately 30-50 miles a week. But on my half day Saturday and off day Sunday I have a ton of time to write if I'm not playing golf.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
Never. My worst fear though is that I'll not live long enough to write all the partially written stories I've concocted and are pinned up in my office or sitting in heaps, strewn about.

What are your current/future projects?
My awesome fantasy adventure children's story Corky which I wrote to entertain children the way these books entertained me; Charlotte's Web, Huckleberry Finn, The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mysteries, and Dr. Seuss. And of course the second in the TwoSpells series is in the works already.

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?
I fortunately didn't choose it, it chose me. Besides the fantasy world is so much more exciting, there are absolutely no restrictions to hinder creativity.

Are you traditional or self-published, and what process did you go through to get your book published?
Self-published for a few reasons. Most of the successful work I've done in my lifetime was purely performance based. If it's meant to be it's up to me. That gives me full control of my own destiny. Fortunately my oldest son, my mentor and tutor understands the process and has guided me the entire way.

What opportunities have being an author presented you with and share those memories? (i.e. travel, friends, events, speaking, etc...)
The first and most important one is the ability to share my fantasies with the world, hoping they read it of course, and another is interviews like this where I can speak openly about myself and my thoughts.

What field or genre would you classify your book(s) and what attracted you to write in that field or genre?
Fantasy adventure. Like I stated before, there are no training wheels on my creative processes in a fantasy world.

What do you do if inspiration strikes in an inconvenient place like (car, restaurant, bathroom/shower, etc..) and how do you capture that moment before it gets away from you?
It doesn't usually because I carry a pen and notepad everywhere. My wife bought me an electronic voice activated recording device for Christmas a few years ago but I left it sitting on top the old VCR with the flashing time that I couldn't figure out how to set up either.

How do you think you have evolved as a person/author because of your writing and do you believe your writing has helped others, how/why?
This is my first written word; I'll need more time to figure that out. But I can only hope my stories bring a smile to their face, a slight gasp of oxygen and a mumbled, 'that was an outstanding story!'

Do you believe there is value in a review? Do you believe they are under rated, over rated, or don’t matter at all?
Perceived value is what my entire career was built on. I've been extremely successful at what I've done. Isn't that one of the great things that the internet has brought the world, the ability to see what the experts of any given field think or feel first before a commitment is made? I would always trust an expert reviewer more so than a layman who merely dabbles.

What is your biggest fear about having a book published?
The acronym fear means; False Expectations, Appearing, Real. I have no fear what so ever. Win, lose or draw my story was told.

Give us a fun fact about your book(s)?
The cover was masterfully created by a remarkable Ukrainian artist, whom before I wrote this book, I wouldn't have believed could be done by me, from this side of the world.

If you had the chance to get one message out there to reach readers all over the world, what would that message be?
If you'd like to read an action packed fantasy adventure with wonderful and creative characters that'll capture your affections, and is like no other novel before, then read TwoSpells.

What makes a good story, why?
A story folks will remember because it felt like they'd experienced the story with the characters themselves.

Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?
With seven billion people on this planet a whole bunch of them will hate my story potentially but a whole bunch more will love it. I'm certainly not going to be the answer for everyone's taste.

Were your characters based off real life people/events or did you make it all up?
Some of them were modeled after people I've met for sure. But aren't all experiences used in some fashion in our writing?

What is your most/least favorite part of the writing process, why?
Editing! Boring and tedious. I just want it done for folks to read.

Did any of your characters inherit some of your own quirks?
All of them did. I'm their only genetic parent.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with your readers?
Please give TwoSpells a go!

Sarah and her twin brother Jon are heirs to an ancient magical realm and its most valuable treasure, an enchanted library. The library endows readers with the supernatural means of crossing into the uncharted inner-sanctum of the second dimension, inhabited with peculiar and sometimes perilous creatures.

The children are emboldened with a wondrous mystical gift that no other being has ever possessed. But fate intervenes and triggers a disastrous inter-dimensional war that disrupts the fabric of time and space spanning multiple universes, tearing destiny a new and savage pathway.

The two must rescue their world from a phantom hybrid alien race controlled by a demented dark-wizard, Jeremy Sermack. They will either assimilate or be exterminated.

Will they be the saviors the prophets spoke of, or will they retreat to the perceived safety of their distant homeland?

Thank you for this amazing interview! I wish you success for all your future works. Keep writing!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Book Blitz: The Brotherhood of Merlin by Rory Nelson

About the Book:

Merlin returns to Lycenea a hero, victorious over the Visi-Gauls in a gruesome and exhaustive campaign that claimed the life of one of his men and saw the annihilation of the Visi-Gauls’ Southern Army.
Merlin’s peaceful reprieve is cut short however, as he must now find and expose the corrupt Senator who initiated the war in the first place and plots to subvert the Empire for himself. He is aided by the powerful sorceress, Morgana and Felinius, a former disgraced and condemned knight who knows the inner workings of the Brotherhood.
Merlin must also protect two of the captives he rescued during the war with the Visi-Gauls, one of whom is a boy named Dante, whose power has been prophesized to defeat Herod Antipaz, the corrupt Senator, and his deadly allies who threaten to destroy Gilleon.
Herod makes plans of his own for eliminating Dante. The boy’s problems continue to mount precipitously- for not only is he being ruthlessly hunted down by Herod’s minions, but he must also face down a brutal training program in Round Table Academy, where he faces elimination on a daily basis. Should he be eliminated, he will no longer be under the protection of Merlin and his Brotherhood and his death almost a foregone conclusion.
His only hope, his only salvation is Merlin- as is the country of Gilleon.

Book Links:

Book One: Gilleon

Five hundred years after the death of King Arthur, a sadistic tyrant of Visi-Galia, attacks unprotected and vulnerable townships in Gilleon, igniting a deadly chain of events. Because he was unfairly denied a proper chance to compete for valuable mine rights and outbid by a Councilman from Gilleon, he reasons that he can invade Gilleon's vulnerable townships and force the Council to negotiate with him.
Merlin, the lead knight in Lycenea, has foreseen just such a predicament. With the gifts of premonition, telepathy and intelligence, he and 9 of his most formidable knights go into battle against Jason and his force of nine thousand.
At stake is everything. The fate of the prisoners who are awaiting to be sold into slavery rests in the hands of the deadly knights. Specifically, two girls who were attacked in Missalia and are now orphaned, are at the mercy of the sadistic King. Will Merlin and his band of knights be able to rescue them in time?
Adele, the older sister, has plans of her own for escape. Will she prove successful or will her plans be foiled? If she is caught, what will become of her and her sister, Sylvia?
Dante, a boy from Coifen, is also now orphaned. He is the sole survivor of a brutal attack on his family. An unlikely heroine has come to his rescue- a mysterious white wolf. Unfortunately, the attack has left him blind. He and his guardian make their refuge in a remote cave. He clings desperately to the hope that God has spared him for a reason. Every night he goes to bed, he says a prayer to his talisman, the Merlin, a game piece that his father gave him before he was forced to abandon him. It was the last gift he received before all hell broke loose. Will he be rescued? Will he find a permanent haven? His fate also lies in the hands of the Merlin.
Merlin and his troupe lead the Visi-Gauls in a high stakes game of cat and mouse. Jason, though capricious, is not stupid. He uses every means at his disposal to eliminate Merlin. Who will prove the victor? Fighting a severe war of attrition, it seems at times that Jason will inevitably win; but don't count the Merlin out. He is beyond slippery. Every time it seems that Jason has the gifted knight, he is thwarted yet again.

Get Your Copy of Book One: Gilleonfor FREE!

Book Links:

Character Study - Renault

     Deadly. Volatile.Vengeful.Sadistic.Cruel. Compassionate. Courageous.Heroic. He is a dedicated and loyal brother to the Merlin and a champion to the innocent and defenseless, but he also enjoys killing and watching his targets suffer as he inflicts agony on them before he finishes them off.  He is a walking contradiction and the right hand of the Merlin. When faced with an impossible mission, Merlin knows that he count on Renault to achieve his goals.

     Like Merlin, he is cunning, calculating, manipulative, resourceful and a master at strategy and logistics. He is also a telepath and can glean information from his targets. He should be a Godsend to Merlin but nothing is so simple.

     Living in the relatively peaceful town of Helganon with his family, Renault clings to his peaceful reprieve in between his deadly missions for the Merlin. But with his volatile temper and his urge to protect the innocent at all costs, his demons push him closer to the brink, alienating himself in the process.

     When Renault’s temper pushes him past the threshold of composure, he lashes out and makes enemies not only among his own trusted brethren but also on both sides of a dangerous feud between the Ostra-Gauls and the Sene-Gauls. And so he finds himself in a desperate circumstance with the walls beginning to close around him.

     Will Renault’s demons push him too far, making him a liability among his brethren? Will his dire circumstances invade his own peaceful refuge at home with his beloved family? When Merlin’s own dire circumstances necessitate the need for Renault and his skill set, will he be ready?

About the Author:

Author Rory D Nelson is an accomplished actor and has been seen in several high school productions of “Oedipus Rex,” “My Fair Lady,” and “Little Shop of Horrors.” He owns a window cleaning business in the Sacramento area, enjoys wine tasting, snowboarding, traveling and working out. Rory D Nelson is an eclectic and prolific writer, having written numerous comedy skits, commercial parodies, and ghost-written many humorous t-shirts. He has the most unusual imagination of any fantasy author, since he also brings his deranged sense of humor into play in his books.

Contact the Author:

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sale Tour: Bulletproof by Jenna Galicki


Bulletproof (Bulletproof #4) by Jenna Galicki
Genre: M/M Rock Star


Derek MacAlister, the wild one. Known for dancing on table tops, partying too hard and possessing a never-ending thirst for excitement. With his bandmates now settled in committed relationships, he’s the last man standing. The only problem is that he wants to party all night long, but his best friends are content to stay at home. Enter Travis Fontana, a bad boy with a reputation for trouble, and Derek has his partner in crime.

Travis Fontana just scored the gig of a lifetime opening for the nation’s top heavy metal band. He’s a rebel who thrives on pushing the limits of a good time and Bulletproof’s sexy long-haired guitarist, Derek MacAlister, is right by his side to share the fun. Together, they’re double trouble.

But all is not as it seems. Underneath the painted-on smile and carefree exterior that Travis shows the world lies a tortured soul with a dark past. Little by little, Travis lets Derek see a side of him that no one else knows. Derek, unused to the unfiltered raw honesty that Travis shares, finds that he wants to take care of this troubled, vulnerable man and turns out to be Travis’ rock in times of crisis.

When the pressures of new-found fame begin to overwhelm Travis, he quickly starts to unravel. Pushed to the breaking point, it becomes clear that even Derek can’t save him. Travis needs to save himself.

Catch up with the band! (each are stand-alones)

The Undercover Rock Star, Bulletproof Book 1
(only 99¢ - also on audio!)
Branded, Bulletproof Book 2
Bassist With Benefits, Bulletproof Book 3

Jenna Galicki writes in multiple genres, including m/f, m/m, and m/m/f.

She is a strong advocate for LGBT rights and marriage equality.

A native New Yorker, she recently relocated to Southern California where she lives with her husband and two dogs. She's a Rottweiler enthusiast and an avid music buff. When she's not hunched over a computer, you can find her front row at a rock concert.

She also makes adorable commemorative prints for books signings and special events - a keepsake to have signed by the attendees. Click for more info.

Follow Jenna Galicki, she would love to hear from you:

Facebook Friend Request:
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter: @jennagalicki

Monday, April 23, 2018

Spotlight: The Secret Principles of Genius by I.C. Robledo

Title: The Secret Principles of Genius
Author: I.C. Roledo
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House

Learn from brilliant minds like
Leonardo Da Vinci, Jane Austen
Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking
Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Others

Unlock the Hidden Powers of Your Mind!

There is no limit to the power of the human mind. All you need is the key to reveal its inner-most secrets. If you tap into the principles of genius, you will be ready to discover your true potential. These secret principles have played a critical role in the greatest achievements of humanity, yet most of us are unaware of them. Now, they are finally revealed.

Internationally bestselling author I. C. Robledo has profiled the brightest minds of all time to demonstrate why these principles are so important. We will explore the intellect of icons such as Leonardo da Vinci, Jane Austen, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and many more.

An important theme is that brilliant people have used these principles to accomplish what no one thought was possible. What has become clear through the ages is that with the right principles, it is possible to tap into a potential that is limitless.

I. C. Robledo received his BA from Purdue University in psychology and his MS from the University of Oklahoma in industrial-organizational psychology. Robledo writes based on both personal experience and scientific research. Academic publications he has contributed to include Creativity Research Journal, Journal of Organizational Behaviour and The Handbook of Organizational Creativity.

* Picture courtesy:, Goodreads

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Spotlight: Think Like Einstein & Learn Like Einstein by Peter Hollins

Title: Think Like Einstein & Learn Like EinsteinAuthor: Peter HollinsPublisher: Jaico Publishing House

Book 1

Think Like Einstein

Think Like Einstein is the ultimate guide for improving your critical thinking skills and developing a sense of intuition and judgment. You will learn how to attack problems from a multitude of angles and generate solutions that previously seemed impossible. 

Learn how to:

• Master Einstein’s most effective thinking technique — the gedanken experiments
• Condition your brain to perform at its peak
• Become an idea machine and come up with creative solutions 
• Make smarter decisions quickly 
• Learn to intelligently interpret the world around you
And many more...

Book 2

Learn Like Einstein

If you’re looking to accelerate your learning abilities, improve your memory instantly, pick up new skills efficiently and fly through material and ace tests—the answers are right in front of you. Step-by-step methods and habits to train your brain. Learn Like Einstein is your perfect guide on using your brain to its fullest potential, just like Albert Einstein. 

Learn how to:

• Master memory techniques used by top experts 
• Achieve total concentration 
• Learn the art of perfecting any craft with better practice methods
• Discover how to read faster and retain important information 
• Learn faster and save your time
And many more...

Peter Hollins is a dedicated student of the human condition. He possesses a BS and MA in psychology and has worked with dozens of people from all walks of life. After working in private practice for years, he has turned his sights to writing and applying his years of education to help people improve their lives from the inside out.

* Picture courtesy:

Friday, April 20, 2018

Book Blitz: Forsaken Norse Wind by Ciara Lake

About the Book:

A troll, a mortal, and a love hot enough to melt ice.

Trapped in a vicious life, Breanna Devion survives only by the strength of her heart. Determined to have more than what her abusive stepfather has planned for her, she's willing to risk everything to be free.

Axel Venrick is a troll who has spent centuries alone, isolated in his castle in Iceland. At the insistence of others, Axel crafts the ultimate tool to find his soul mate. He creates a beautiful ring which is bespelled, blessed by a god, and sent forth to locate Axel's other half.

The ring finds Breanna just in time to prevent her stepfather's disastrous plan from taking place. But angry gods, vengeful parents, and an evil lurking in the immortal world all conspire to destroy the love of the jaded troll and his innocent mortal. Can their love free them or will the evil spreading from the bowels of the earth destroy them first?

Book Links:

Read an Excerpt:

“It’s going to be ugly if they get here. I may have to kill some of them. I’d prefer not to, at least this day. But they may leave me no choice.” He shrugged. “So, let’s go to avoid this problem. I didn’t come here to make war on these humans. I came to fetch my mate.” He stepped closer to the porch. “Trust me, Breanna. Let your heart guide you. If you listen to it, you will know what to do.”
“My mother’s in her room sleeping. I need help with her. She’s ill, and she can be difficult.”
“Let me inside, I’ll talk to her.”
“Okay.” She stood aside. “I’m your mate?”
“Yes, you’re my mate.” In a few quick steps, he stood inside the house. He had to duck as he entered, and once inside he hunched not to hit the ceiling. “Gather what you would like to take with us. Get the coat I gave you.”
Breanna picked up the coat to put it on. She took him to her mother.
“Mother, this is Axel. We need to leave with him. Hugh’s upset with us. He’s coming back to… hurt us. We have to go.” Breanna tapped her mother’s arm. “Mother, please wake up.”
Fiona rolled over to look at Breanna. Her eyes were crazed. “What is it, child?” Her voice sounded weak. “I was dreaming of Hema taking me to his realm.”
“We need to leave. This is Axel.” Breanna pointed at him. “Umm, he’s a friend of mine. We need to go with him, now.”
“No.” Her mother sat up in the bed, shaking her head. Her hair looked wild all over her head. “I must wait for Hema to return. If I’m gone he may not find me.”
“Mother, we have to go. Hugh’s not happy, and he’s bringing others to start trouble.” 
“You leave, I’m staying here. I’m not worried about Hugh.” She lay back down, rolling to the other side. “I cannot leave. Hema may come to get me.”
Axel patted Breanna on her shoulder. “They’re almost here. Stand back with me. Lay the coat down then give me your hand. We’ll watch to make sure your mother’s safe.”
He reached for her hand, and Breanna allowed him to hold it.
“No one can see us now. It takes less power if you hold my hand to make you invisible with me. We’ll wait and watch. They cannot hear us either.”
Breanna followed Axel out into the front room of the house. They stood to the right of the fireplace out of the way. The front door burst open, and Breanna jumped.
“It’s okay. They don’t see or hear us. You’ll be safe.” He gently squeezed her hand. “Relax.”
Hugh, along with two other men, entered the house. The door banged against the wall, and they pushed the chairs to the floor as they stomped inside. Others were outside the house calling loudly for her.
“Where’s the bastard? The damn girl’s in league with him.

About the Author:

Welcome to Ciara Lake's World. Meet Gorgeous Werewolves, Vampires, Dragons, Mermaids, Wizards, Witches, Mythological Gods and Goddesses, Mere Mortals And More! Fiction has always been a passion of mine. Creating worlds and developing characters is a great way for me to relieve the stress and strain of my everyday world. In fantasy (paranormal) and sci-fi stories, the author has the unique ability to invent wonderfully exotic places and people. I do that in my books. These fantastic genres provide a limitless ability to be creative and inventive. My stories provide an escape into a special world filled with unique and otherworldly things. And there is always a happy ending.

Contact the Author:

                             Website * Twitter * Goodreads

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Spotlight: The Autobiography of a Stock by Manoj Arora

Title: The Autobiography of a Stock
Author: Manoj Arora
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House

A common man’s guide to stock investing

Stocks offer magnificent wealth creation opportunities. 
Are you ready to test the waters?

Stocks are simple and powerful investment tools. But lack of knowledge, patience and faith make them a dangerous gamble. And so, the common man dreads entering the stock market when it should be an inseparable part of his portfolio. The Autobiography of a Stock takes a unique look at the problem – through the eyes of Mr. Stock.

Gobind, a young man eager to invest, approaches Mr. Stock for help to guide him through the roller-coaster ride of buying a stock, holding on to it and finally exiting it in time. 

Join him on his exhilarating journey, complete with its soaring heights and dismal lows, in a real market scenario, with real stocks and real data. Learn with him as he discovers the 83 unforgettable lessons in the noisy world of stocks. Tried, tested and thoroughly practical, these lessons are stock market scripture that can bring you not only excellent returns but also long-term wealth.

“…provide[s] understanding of basics without much of technical jargon!” 
—K V Narayanan, Vice President, Tata Consultancy Services

“One of the rare books which is a perfect sync of facts and fiction…” 
—Nishant Maitre, CEO & Cofounder, Tappet Box

“…simple, yet an eye-opening book.”
—Yogesh Aggrwal, Head Corporate Finance & CAO, NDTV

“…would help even seasoned investors.”
—Ananta P Sarma, Executive Vice President, Investment Banking, 
IDBI Capital Markets & Securities Ltd.

Manoj Arora is a gold medallist in engineering from AMU, Aligarh. In his career spanning more than two decades, he has worked for Fortune 500 organisations across the globe including IBM, L and T and TCS. An IT-professional-turned-author, he has to his credit multiple bestsellers on Dreams, Money and Happiness. Founder Trustee of Kalpavriksha – a tree plantation NGO, Manoj lives by his life’s mission to elevate the world around him.

* Picture courtesy: